Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki

The Beach Crab, also known as Spiral Crab, is a recurring foe in Epic Battle Fantasy series. As its name suggests, it appears primarily near beach/sandy areas, but can occasionally be found in caverns. It can be found in the beach area in Epic Battle Fantasy, Rock Lake in Epic Battle Fantasy 3, and Goldenbrick Resort in Epic Battle Fantasy 4.


The Beach Crab is a red creature resembling a stylized hermit crab. Its body is a shapeless blob protruding from a large tan shell with a spiraling cone design; the shell is dotted by pink speckles and numerous small spikes. It has two eyeballs with small black dots for pupils, with the left eye being much larger and slightly bloodshot. It also has two spike-covered pincers; the left claw is small while the right one is disproportionally large, being larger than the Crab's entire body.


The Beach Crab is a relatively simple foe that uses single-target attacks. Like all Crabs, it can tuck into its shell as a defensive maneuver; the exact effects depend on the game, but it always makes it a lot harder to damage. However, it's generally a low-level threat that can be ignored until stronger foes are dealt with.

Across all of its appearances, the Beach Crab is consistently weak to Thunder and Earth; on the other hand, Fire, Wind and Water tend to be ineffective. Its Evade is also below-average, making it easier to hit than the average foe.

Epic Battle Fantasy[]

The Spiral Crab has two attacks that only differ in which defensive stat reduces their damage; its pinch deals physical damage and its bubble attack deals magical damage. It can also hide in its shell to halve the damage it takes, but it is unable to attack in this state and spends a turn to both enter and exit its shell. Depending on the situation, Matt and Natalie can either power through the crab's boosted defenses, focus on other enemies, or just take the opportunity to heal and buff themselves.

The Spiral Crab is quite weak to Bomb, significantly weak to Thunder, and extremely weak to Earth.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3[]

The Spiral Crab has two physical attacks, one of which has higher damage and critical chance while being slightly less accurate and easier to resist (due to being mostly Earth-based). It also has a pair of Water spells; Flood acts as its main damage spell, while its bubble attack is more accurate and capable of lowering the victim's Evade. It can also briefly hide in its shell to give itself a large Defence and Magic Defence buff, but this can be easily removed with Dispel effects or even turned against it with Tera Drill. Poison is another means of bypassing its defenses while simultaneously hitting one of its weaknesses.

The Spiral Crab is weak to Poison (both the element and the status), Thunder, and especially Earth. On the other hand, it is immune to Fire and Wind while greatly absorbing Water.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4[]

The Beach Crab is armed with three physical attacks; a non-elemental pinch, a half-Earth shell attack, and Geyser. The latter is its strongest attack, dealing mostly Water-based damage while also applying a stack of Wet to its target; however, it still isn't especially powerful. It can also hide in its shell to give itself Defend (and Regen on higher difficulty levels).

The Beach Crab resists Fire and Bomb while being immune to Wind and Water, however, it is very weak to Poison, Thunder, and Earth. It also has a vulnerability to the Poison status effect. With "More Foe Resistance" enabled, it loses its Thunder weakness and becomes immune to Stun.

Beach Crabs are noteworthy for having a 1% chance to drop Sushi; however, farming this way is not recommended.


Epic Battle Fantasy[]

Spiral Crab EBF
Wave Stat HP Stat Attack Stat Defence Stat Magic Stat Mdef
13 22000
1.2 1.2 1.2 1
14 20000
1 1.2 1 1
EBF3 Skill Eruption EBF3 Skill Fireball EBF3 Skill Thunderbolt EBF3 Skill Iceshard EBF3 Skill Quake EBF3 Skill Seiken EBF3 Skill Judgement EBF3 Skill Screamer EBF3 Skill Airstrike
- - -100% - -120% - - - -70%

In EBF, foe stats are specifically set per wave, thus two foes of the same type may have different stats (resistances will still be the same). See EBF Foe Waves for a list of all foe waves.

Stats in brackets (below/right from actual) are for its pre-EBF Collection update version.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3[]

EBF3 Foe Icon Spiral Crab
Spiral Crab Seafloor Dweller EBF3
Defensive creature which attacks with bursts of water.
Stat HP Stat Attack Stat Defence Stat Magic Stat Mdef Stat Accuracy Stat Evade Exp AP Gold
140 4 4 4 4 4 3.5 26 2 15
Element Fire Element Thunder Element Ice Element Water Element Wind Element Earth Element Poison Element Dark Element Holy Element Bomb
100% -60% - 300% 100% -70% -60% - - -
Status Poison Status Syphon Status Dispel Status Doom Status Berserk Status Stun Status Death
- - - - - - -
StatDown Attack StatDown Magic StatDown Defence StatDown Mdef StatDown Accuracy StatDown Evade
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Sea Shell Bubble Stone Earthball - - - -
Name Sea Shell Bubble Stone Earthball - - - -
Chance 80% 40% 20% - - - -

Epic Battle Fantasy 4[]

Icon bestiary ebf4 beach crab Beach Crab EBF4
A defensive creature which uses water and earth attacks.
Stat HP Stat Attack Stat Defence Stat Magic Stat Mdef Stat Accuracy Stat Evade Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP
123 4 4 4 4 4 3.7 16 2 2 10 50
Element Fire Element Thunder Element Ice Element Earth Element Poison Element Bomb Element Wind Element Water Element Holy Element Dark
50% -80% - -80% -80% 50% 100% 100% - -
Status Burn Status Stun Status Freeze Status Tired Status Poison Status Dispel Status Stagger Status Syphon Status Wet Status Weaken Status Curse Status Death
- - - - -50% - - - - - - -
StatDown Attack StatDown Magic StatDown Defence StatDown Mdef StatDown Accuracy StatDown Evade
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Sea Shell Seaweed Solid Spike Bubble Stone Sushi - -
Name Sea Shell Seaweed Solid Spike Bubble Stone Sushi - -
Chance 80% 20% 10% 5% 1% - -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
Status Burn Burn Status Poison Poison Status Doom Doom
(if Death fails)
Status Regen Regen
3.5% 5.4% per stack,
up to 48.6%
25% -33.(3)%
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.
Statistics with More Foe Resistance enabled.
Icon bestiary ebf4 beach crab Beach Crab EBF4
A defensive creature which uses water and earth attacks.
Stat HP Stat Attack Stat Defence Stat Magic Stat Mdef Stat Accuracy Stat Evade Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP
123 4 4 4 4 4 3.7 16 2 2 10 50
Element Fire Element Thunder Element Ice Element Earth Element Poison Element Bomb Element Wind Element Water Element Holy Element Dark
50% - - -80% -80% 50% 100% 100% - -
Status Burn Status Stun Status Freeze Status Tired Status Poison Status Dispel Status Stagger Status Syphon Status Wet Status Weaken Status Curse Status Death
- 100% - - -50% - - - - - - -
StatDown Attack StatDown Magic StatDown Defence StatDown Mdef StatDown Accuracy StatDown Evade
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Sea Shell Seaweed Solid Spike Bubble Stone Sushi - -
Name Sea Shell Seaweed Solid Spike Bubble Stone Sushi - -
Chance 80% 20% 10% 5% 1% - -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
Status Burn Burn Status Poison Poison Status Doom Doom
(if Death fails)
Status Regen Regen
3.5% 5.4% per stack,
up to 48.6%
25% -33.(3)%
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.

Attacks and Abilities[]

Epic Battle Fantasy[]

Attack List
Attack Target Power R.Power Type Status Effect RdF
Claw Strike Single 2000 -- Stat Attack Stat Defence -- -- -- 10%
Bubbles Single 2000 -- Attack Magic Defence -- -- -- 10%
Shell Visit Self -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Notes: Retreats into its shell, halving all damage received but becoming unable to attack.
Get Out Self -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Notes: Comes out of its shell.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3[]

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Claw Strike Single 23 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Shell Stab Single 33 Physical 80% Element Earth -- -- -- 90% 20% 10%
Bubbles Single 18 Magical 100% Element Water 50% 30% StatDown Evade 120% 0% 10%
Flood Single 40 Magical 100% Element Water -- -- -- 100% 20% 10%
Shell Visit Self -- -- ---- -- 40%
Stat Defence
Stat Mdef
-- -- --

Epic Battle Fantasy 4[]

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Claw Strike Single 22 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Shell Stab Single 28 Physical 50% Element Earth -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Geyser Single 30 Physical 80% Element Water 100% 1x Status Wet 100% 10% 10%
Shell Visit Self -- -- ---- -- -- Status Defend -- -- --
Notes: On Hard and Epic difficulties, also applies 3x Status Regen Regen.

Battle Logic[]

The following describes general logic of the enemy and attack patterns, with chances of each attack to be used. Conditions are listed from highest to lowest priority unless specified otherwise.

Epic Battle Fantasy[]

  • Outside Shell → Claw Strike (1/3), Bubbles (1/3), Shell Visit (1/3);
  • Inside Shell → Nothing (2/3), Get Out (1/3).

Epic Battle Fantasy 3[]

  • Berserked → Claw Strike;
  • Syphoned → Claw Strike (1/4), Shell Stab (1/4), Bubbles (1/4), Shell Visit (1/4);
  • Otherwise → Claw Strike (1/5), Shell Stab (1/5), Bubbles (1/5), Flood (1/5), Shell Visit (1/5).

Epic Battle Fantasy 4[]

  • Berserked → Shell Stab;
  • Syphoned → Claw Strike (1/3), Shell Stab (1/3), Shell Visit (1/3);
  • Otherwise → Claw Strike (1/4), Shell Stab (1/4), Geyser (1/4), Shell Visit (1/4).