Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki

This is a page about the enemy type Giant Slime. For specifics see Giant Blue Slime, Giant Red Slime or Giant Green Slime.

Giant Slimes

The giant slime is a massive, rare and powerful enemy. Possibly formed from smaller slimes, the giant slime is all that they are and more. Giants can cast spells of their element, have more health, deal more damage and have a specialized power. Giants look like a massive blob of colored ooze, topped off with at rocky ridge,bones and a dead slime, a dead tree, snow and ice or a tangle off plants. Each slime is surrounded by three smaller blobs. It is unknown how or why they are there as they do not do anything and are seperate from the whole. Like slimes, giants have elemental strengths and weaknesses. They heal from their type and take extra damage from opposing ones. In common with their smaller counterparts, the giant red slimes are immune to magic, which makes them a much tougher to handle. However, all giant slimes are weak to the Doom status ailment, therefore items with that property can be useful, especially against the hard to kill Red Slime.


A giant slime's basic attack consists off hurling itself at a foe. However this ram is seldom used. Instead a giant favors powerful spells of their element. Each type has it's own special ability. Other than that and increased stats they are fought much like a common slime.


  • Although no internal organs can be seen giants can clearly be seen exhaling when using some abilities.
  • It is possible that a giant is made of slimes by way of reverse mitosis. This theory is supported by the fact that the more complex slimes (yellow and blue) with their own abilitys do not have a giant version.