Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki
EBF5 Bubble Ring

Bubble Ring assaulting a Master Wraith.

Bubble Ring is a Water-elemental skill in Epic Battle Fantasy 5 used by foes and available to players through the special effects of equipment. in the v2 update, it became a shared skill learnable by all players.


When cast, a ring of blue bubbles appears in front of the target, the bubbles then shoot forward, converging on the target. This deals Water-elemental damage that scales depending on the user's higher offensive stat and inflicts Syphon.

Bubble Ring is a pretty flexible spell that can be used both for offence as a source of Water-elemental damage, or for utility as a source of Syphon.

Foe Users

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Obtained by completing Fizz's quest in Rainbow River, one screen to the right of the slime cat. Before the v2 update, Fizz gave Bubble instead.

EBF5 Skill Bubble Ring
Bubble Ring
Water attack which syphons a single target.
  • Damage type is based on highest stat.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single Varies 100% EBF5 Element Water EBF5 Status Syphon 100% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
1 80 90% 2x 500
2 130 120% 2x 1200
3 200 150% 2x 5000