Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki
Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki

The overworld of Epic Battle Fantasy 5 is divided in twelve main regions: Hope Harbor (Including Ice Cave), Wild Tropics, Grand Gallery, No Man's Land, Iron Fortress, Greenwood Village, Mystic Woods, Forgotten Ruins, Rainbow River, Frozen Valley, Redpine Town, and The Rapture (including Lava Lake and The Beyond). The regions not shown here (which are premium) are: Freezeflame Dungeon, Mineshaft Maze, Deathly Hollows, The Great Sea (including Battle Arena and Data Bunker), Crystal Caverns, Temple of Trials.

Click on any tile to open the corresponding detail page. In the Index you can find the list of all Key Items, Swords, Staves, Bows, Guns, Cat Toys, Male Hats, Male Armor, Female Hats, Female Armor, Flairs, Skills, Limit Breaks and Quests with the corresponding locations.

0 A0GrandGallery(v2) B0GrandGallery(v2) C0GrandGallery(v2) D0ForgottenRuins E0ForgottenRuins F0MysticWoods G0MysticWoods H0MysticWoods I0MysticWoods J0MysticWoods K0GreenwoodVillage
1 A1GrandGallery B1GrandGallery(v2) C1GrandGallery D1ForgottenRuins E1ForgottenRuins F1MysticWoods G1MysticWoods H1MysticWoods I1MysticWoods J1GreenwoodVillage K1GreenwoodVillage
2 A2HopeHarbor B2HopeHarbor C2HopeHarbor D2HopeHarbor E2MysticWoods F2MysticWoods G2MysticWoods H2MysticWoods I2MysticWoods(v2) J2GreenwoodVillage K2GreenwoodVillage
3 A3WildTropics B3WildTropics C3WildTropics D3HopeHarbor E3NoMansLand F3IronFortress G3IronFortress H3IronFortress I3IronFortress J3GreenwoodVillage K3GreenwoodVillage
4 A4WildTropics B4WildTropics C4HopeHarbor D4HopeHarbor(v2) E4NoMansLand F4IronFortress G4IronFortress H4IronFortress I4IronFortress J4GreenwoodVillage K4GreenwoodVillage
5 A5HopeHarbor B5HopeHarbor C5HopeHarbor D5HopeHarbor E5NoMansLand F5NoMansLand G5NoMansLand H5NoMansLand I5NoMansLand J5RainbowRiver K5RainbowRiver
6 A6FrozenValley B6RainbowRiver C6RainbowRiver D6RainbowRiver E6RainbowRiver F6RainbowRiver G6RainbowRiver H6RainbowRiver I6RainbowRiver J6RainbowRiver K6RainbowRiver
7 A7FrozenValley B7FrozenValley C7FrozenValley D7RedpineTown E7RedpineTown F7RedpineTown G7TheRapture H7TheRapture I7TheRapture J7LavaLake K7LavaLake
8 A8FrozenValley B8FrozenValley C8FrozenValley D8RedpineTown E8RedpineTown F8RedpineTown G8TheRapture H8TheRapture I8TheRapture J8LavaLake K8LavaLake
9 A9FrozenValley B9FrozenValley C9FrozenValley D9RedpineTown(v2) E9RedpineTown F9RedpineTown G9TheRapture H9TheRapture I9TheRapture J9LavaLake K9LavaLake