- This section is incomplete. You can help Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki by adding required information to it.
To do: Add stats from EBF5 This article lists the ways to impact the Magic Defence stat. For a general description of the stat, see Stats#Magic Defence.
Epic Battle Fantasy[]
Magic Defence buffs are available to players only through the following skill:
- Barrier — Sets the (de)buff state to +65%, targets both players.
Swords providing bonuses to Magic Defence:
- Rune Blade — 30%
- Stone Edge — 20%
- Blood Blade — 10%
- Devil's Sunrise — 10%
- Heaven's Gate — 10%
- Inferno — 10%
- Soul Eater — -20%
Magic Defence debuffs are available to players only through the following skill:
- Screamer — 100% chance, 25% strength, targets all foes.
No enemy abilities can buff or debuff Magic Defence yet.
Epic Battle Fantasy 2[]
Magic Defence buffs are available to players through the following means:
- Barrier — Buffs by 60%, targets both players. Before the EBF Collection update, set the (de)buff state to +65% instead.
- Kyun (Limit Break) — Buffs by 40%, targets both players.
- Protection (M) (skill bonus for Natalie) — Buffs Magic Defence by 75% (15% pre-EBF Collection update) when hurt by a powerful magical attack and thrown offscreen.
Swords providing bonuses to Magic Defence:
- Stone Edge — 20%
- Blizzard — 10%
- Blood Blade — 10%
- Heaven's Gate — 10%
- Inferno — 10%
- Soul Eater — -30%
Skill bonuses providing boosts to base Magic Defence (note that before the EBF Collection update, base Magic Defence was ignored in damage calculations, making these useless):
- Mighty Warrior for Matt — +4
- Earthern Soul for Matt — +8
- Cleric for Natalie — +9
- Mighty Mage for Natalie — +4
Skill bonuses providing resistance against Magic Defence debuffs:
- Immunity for Natalie — Grants 50% chance to dodge any bad status effect or stat debuff, independent of their infliction chance.
- Immunity x2 for Natalie — Grants actual immunity to all bad statuses and debuffs.
Magic Defence debuffs are available to players through the following means:
- Unleash with Inferno — 400% chance, 40% strength.
- Screamer — 150% chance, 30% strength, targets all foes.
- Fireball — 80% chance, 25% strength.
- Kyun (Limit Break) — 100% chance, 40% strength, targets all foes, ignores resistances.
- Drain (only with Magic Shatter Skill Bonus) — 100% chance, 40% strength.
Enemy abilities that can buff Magic Defence:
- Glacier Eater's shell smash — 70% strength, targets self.
- Rock Eater's shell smash — 30% strength, targets self.
- On Hard/Epic, Valkyrie receives 20% or 40% (depending on difficulty) buff each time Cooler or Satelite Dish are defeated.
Enemy attacks that can debuff Magic Defence:
- Giga Golem's sword strike — 30% (100% on Epic) chance, 20% (30% on Epic) strength.
- Rock Eater's fireballs (4th hit only) — 30% chance, 20% strength, targets both players.
- Sandworm's blood vomit (4th hit only) — 60% chance, 30% strength, targets both players.
- Satelite Dish's debuff (standard hit only) — 20% chance, 40% strength, targets both players.
- Zombie Hydra's Haunt (4th hit only) — 60% chance, 20% strength, targets both players.
- Flybot's Energy Waves — 60% chance, 25% strength
Epic Battle Fantasy 3[]
Magic Defence buffs are available to players through the following means:
- Barrier — up to 70% strength, targets all players.
- Guardian — up to 60% strength.
- Kyun (Limit Break) — up to 50% strength, targets all players.
- Unleash with Crystal Staff (staff) — up to 25% strength, targets self.
- Unleash with God Hand (gun) — up to 25% strength, targets self.
- Casual Shirt (male armor) and Pope Dress (female armor) buff the user when hit by a powerful attack and thrown offscreen — 15% strength at level 4 and 20% at level 5.
Equipment providing bonuses to Magic Defence:
- Swords
- Blood Blade — up to 10%.
- Rune Blade — up to 10%.
- Swordbreaker — up to 10%.
- Soul Eater — -50%. (Only -40% prior to the 2016 update.)
- Staves
- Dream Catcher — up to 10%.
- Sentinel — up to 10%.
- Seraphim — up to 10%.
- Death Bringer — up to -10%.
- Dark Tooth — up to -20%.
- Guns
- Ark Angel — up to 10%.
- God Hand — up to 10%.
- Red Vulcan — up to 10%.
- Steel Shark — up to 10%.
- Heavy Claw — up to 0%. (Starts from negatives)
- Chainsaw — -10%.
- Male hats
- Mage Hat — up to 25%.
- Viking Helmet — up to 25%.
- Soldier Helmet — up to 20%.
- Fuzzy Hat — up to 15%.
- Knight Helmet — up to 15%.
- Leather Hat — up to 15%.
- Captain Hat — up to 10%.
- Officer Hat — up to 10%.
- Pilot Goggles — up to 10%.
- Ninja Hood — up to 10%.
- Genji Helmet — up to 5%.
- Female hats
- Pink Flower — up to 25%.
- Pope Hat — up to 25%.
- Cow Horns — up to 20%.
- Drill Bits — up to 20%.
- Ice Shards — up to 20%.
- Nurse Hat — up to 20%.
- Red Ribbon — up to 20%.
- Thunder Bauble — up to 20%.
- Cat Ears — up to 10%.
- Skull Hairclip — up to 10%.
- Star Hairclip — up to 10%.
- Male armor
- Red Jacket — up to 40%.
- Knight Armor — up to 30%.
- Leather Armor — up to 30%.
- Viking Fur — up to 25%.
- Army Jacket — up to 20%.
- Casual Shirt — up to 20%.
- Genji Armor up to 20%.
- Officer Coat — up to 20%.
- Pirate Gear — up to 20%.
- Ninja Cloak — up to 10%.
- Female armor
- Breastplate — up to 40%.
- Green Dress — up to 25%.
- Pope Dress — up to 25%.
- Red Dress — up to 25%.
- Cat Costume — up to 20%.
- Cow Costume — up to 20%.
- Whitemage Dress — up to 20%.
- Flame Skirt — up to 15%.
- Camo Skirt — up to 10%.
- Ninja Skirt — up to 10%.
- Viking Dress — up to 10%.
Equipment with resistance to Magic Defence debuffs:
- Star Hairclip (female hat) — up to 100%.
- Red Jacket (male armor) — up to 100%.
Magic Defence debuffs are available to players through the following means:
- Fright — up to 100% chance and 45% strength.
- Pulsar (only at level 3) — 50% chance, 30% strength, targets all foes.
- Pulse (only at level 3) — 50% chance, 15% strength.
- Screamer — up to 100% chance and 30% strength.
- Kyun (Limit Break) — up to 100% chance and 50% strength, targets all foes.
- Dark Tooth (staff) can counter with Pulse since upgrade level 4 — 50% chance, 15% strength, works only at skill level 3.
- Obsidian (staff) — up to 100% chance and 70% strength at base. Additionally, since upgrade level 4 it can counter with Normal Attack with same properties.
- Unleash with Shadow Blaster (gun) — up to 150% chance and 50% strength.
- Unleash with Life Shaver (sword) — 100% chance, 50% strength, targets self, ignores resistances.
- Unleash with Death Bringer (staff) — 100% chance, 50% strength, targets self, ignores resistances.
- Unleash with Dark Tooth (staff) — up to 100% chance and 50% strength, targets self, ignores resistances.
Enemy abilities that can buff Magic Defence:
- Abyss buffs self by 70% each time another head dies.
- Akron's claw spawn (only in submerged form) — 50% strength, targets self.
- Ancient Monolith's buff — 35% strength, targets all foes.
- Czars' buff & regen — 30% strength, targets all foes.
- Dark Golem's self-buff — 50% strength.
- Garden Snail's shell visit — 30% strength, targets self.
- Giant Squid's arm regrow — 30% strength, targets self.
- Glacier Eater's shell smash — 60% strength, targets self.
- Holy Rune's buff — 30% strength, targets all foes.
- Light Clay's magic potion — 70% strength.
- Spiral Crab's shell visit — 40% strength, targets self.
Enemy attacks that can debuff Magic Defence:
- Blaze's Hot Ash — 20% chance, 15% strength, 3 hits, targets all players.
- Blaze's ranged fire burp — 70% chance, 20% strength, targets all players.
- Cosmic Monolith's Pulsar — 50% chance, 30% strength, targets all players.
- Dark Clay's Haunt — ≈13% chance, 300% strength, 5 hits.
- Dark Golem's Haunt (Epic only) — ≈13% chance, 300% strength, 5 hits.
- Fire Elemental's Hot Ash — 20% chance, 15% strength, 3 hits, targets all players.
- Giant Blue Slime's wind blow — 40% chance, 20% strength, targets all players.
- Giant Green Slime's wind blow — 30% chance, 20% strength, targets all players.
- Giant Red Slime's Hot Ash — 20% chance, 15% strength, 3 hits, targets all players.
- Holy Rune's energy shot — 100% chance, 50% strength.
- Rune Claw's Dark Flare (2nd hit only) (only in Dark mode) — 100% chance, 50% strength.
- Rune Claw's Haunt (only in Dark mode) — ≈13% chance, 300% strength, 5 hits.
- Skull Ghost's Dark Flare (2nd hit only) — 100% chance, 50% strength.
Epic Battle Fantasy 4[]
- Stats before the Battle Mountain update are listed in brackets.
For everything related to the Curse status, which slowly debuffs Magic Defence over time, see its own article.
Magic Defence buffs are available to players through the following means:
- Barrier — up to 70% strength, targets all players.
- Guardian — up to 70% strength.
- Kyun (Limit Break) — up to 50% strength, targets all players.
- Dark Armor (male armor, Premium only), White Mage Dress (female armor) and Ancient Rune (flair) buff the user when hit by a powerful attack and thrown offscreen — up to 30% strength.
Equipment providing bonuses to Magic Defence:
- Swords
- Rune Blade — up to 25%. [0%]
- G*bson EB0 — up to 20%.
- Magma Hammer — up to 15%.
- Anarchy — -50%.
- Staves
- Oak Staff (BM Premium only) — up to 40%.
- Flower Pot — up to 25%. [15%]
- Nirvana — up to 20%. [0%]
- Obsidian (unused) — up to 10%.
- Tribolt — up to 10%.
- Guns
- Sub Zero — up to 20%. [0%]
- Exterminator (Premium only) — up to 10%.
- Quake Maker — up to 10%.
- Red Vulcan — up to 10%.
- Vortex Cannon — up to 10%.
- Heavy Claw — 0%. [-10%]
- The Phantom (BM Premium only) — -50%.
- Bows
- Juggernaut — up to 25%.
- Gaia's Bow — up to 15%.
- Atlantis — up to 10%.
- Frozen Tears — up to 10%.
- Male hats
- Demon Skull — up to 40%. [30%]
- Space Helmet — up to 40%. [30%]
- Army Helmet — up to 25%. [20%]
- Dragon Helm — up to 25%.
- Mage Hat — up to 25%.
- Viking Helmet — up to 25%.
- Captain's Hat — up to 20%.
- Cowboy Hat — up to 20%.
- Gas Mask — up to 20%.
- Knight Helmet — up to 20%.
- Puppy Hat (Premium only) — up to 20%.
- Santa Hat — up to 20%.
- Casual Cap — up to 10%.
- Death Mask (Premium only) — up to 10%. [20%]
- Ninja Hood — up to 10%.
- Officer's Hat — up to 10%.
- Headband — 0%. [-10%]
- Female hats
- Pope's Hat — up to 50%.
- Fur Hat (Premium only) — up to 30%.
- Pink Flower — up to 25%.
- Slime Hat (Premium only) — up to 25%.
- Coral Clip — up to 20%.
- Cow Horns — up to 20%.
- Ice Shards — up to 20%.
- Leaf Clip — up to 20%.
- Nurse Hat — up to 20%.
- Pirate Hat — up to 20%.
- Red Ribbon — up to 20%.
- Santa Hat — up to 20%.
- Yellow Bauble — up to 20%.
- Dark Bauble — up to 15%.
- Drill Bits — up to 15%. [0%]
- Cat Ears — up to 10%.
- Male armor
- Dark Armor (Premium only) — up to 50%. [40%]
- Bone Armor — up to 40%. [30%]
- Dragon Armor — up to 40%.
- Knight Armor — up to 40%. [30%]
- Space Suit — up to 40%. [30%]
- Army Jacket — up to 30%.
- Santa Outfit — up to 35%.
- Cowboy Shirt — up to 30%.
- Golden Armor (Premium only) — up to 30%.
- Officer's Coat — up to 30%.
- Viking Fur — up to 30%.
- Captain's Shirt — up to 25%.
- Leather Armor (BM Premium only) — up to 25%.
- Red Jacket — up to 25%.
- Casual Shirt — up to 20%.
- Ninja Gear — up to 15%.
- Genji Armor — up to 10%.
- Karate Gi — up to 10%.
- Female armor
- Pope's Dress — up to 60%.
- Blue Dress — up to 40%.
- Dark Gown — up to 40%.
- Green Dress — up to 40%.
- Red Dress — up to 40%.
- Shrine Maiden Dress — up to 40%.
- Santa Outfit — up to 35%.
- Breastplate — up to 30%. [35%]
- Camo Skirt — up to 30%.
- Flame Skirt — up to 30%.
- Fur Dress — up to 30%.
- Maid Outfit (Premium only) — up to 30%.
- Ranger Skirt — up to 30%. [25%]
- White Mage Dress — up to 30%.
- Cow Costume — up to 25%.
- Pirate Dress — up to 20%.
- Ninja Skirt (BM Premium only) — up to 15%.
- Flairs
- Platinum Star (Premium only) — up to 30%.
- Ancient Rune — up to 10%.
- Balance Badge — up to 10%.
Magic Defence debuffs are available to players through the following means:
- Acid (Premium only) — up to 100% chance and 50% strength.
- Prior to the Battle Mountain update, this skill would lose its debuff chance when maxed (at level 6).
- Fright — up to 100% chance and 50% strength.
- Holy Fire — up to 60% chance and 25% strength.
- Hurricane — up to 70% [50%] chance and 25% strength, targets all foes.
- Screamer — up to 100% chance and 30% strength, targets all foes.
- Whirlwind — up to 70% [50%] chance and 25% strength.
- Evil Worm (summon, Premium only) — 80% chance and 30% strength with the first hit, 80% chance and 20% strength with the second hit, targets all foes.
- Bone Blade (sword) may cast Fright — see above.
- Mystic Breeze (staff) may cast Whirlwind — see above.
- Obsidian (staff, unused) — up to 80% chance and 50% strength at base. Additionally, it can counter with Normal Attack with same properties.
- Seraphim (staff) may cast Holy Fire — see above.
- Exterminator (gun, Premium only) — up to 70% chance and 40% strength at base.
- The Departed (bow) — up to 70% chance and 30% strength at base. Additionally, it can counter with Normal Attack with same properties.
Enemy abilities that can buff Magic Defence:
- Ancient Monolith's buff — 20% strength, targets all foes.
- Angel Eye's buff — 50% strength.
- Barrier Rune — 20% strength, targets all foes.
- Blue Crystal's buff — 20% (30% on Hard/Epic) strength, targets all foes.
- Blue Dragon's roar — 50% strength, targets all foes.
- Chimera Bear's Guardian — 50% strength, targets self.
- Dark Anna's bat/item consumption — 50% strength, targets self.
- Dark Matt's bat/item consumption — 50% strength, targets self.
- Glacier Turtle's shell smash — 30% strength, targets self.
- Igloo Fort's rally — 20% (30% on Hard/Epic) strength, targets all foes.
- Leaf Turtle's shell smash — 30% strength, targets self.
- Praetorian's & Praetorian MKII's AT Field/defensive buff — 50% strength, targets self.
- Rainbow Rafflesia's healing skill — 30% strength, targets all foes.
- Sky Monolith's charge — 30% strength, targets self.
- The Creator's Guardian — 50% strength, targets self.
Enemy attacks that can debuff Magic Defence:
- Angel Eye's Whirlwind — 50% chance, 25% strength.
- Black Wasp's supersonic wave (2nd hit only) — 100% chance, 10% strength, targets all players.
- Blue Clay's Whirlwind — 50% chance, 25% strength.
- Brown Dragon's toxin spray — 100% chance, 20% strength, targets all players.
- Dark Anna's Hurricane — 100% chance, 15% strength, targets all players.
- Diamond Bit's Holy Fire — 30% chance, 20% strength.
- Fluffy Bat's unused Whirlwind — 50% chance, 25% strength.
- Fridge Turret's frost cloud — 50% chance, 20% strength, targets all players.
- Mage Dog's Holy Fire — 30% chance, 20% strength.
- Rainbloom's Whirlwind — 50% chance, 25% strength.
- Rainbow Rafflesia's Hurricane — 50% chance, 15% strength, targets all players.
- Sacred Rune's Holy Fire — 30% chance, 20% strength.
- Sky Monolith's Hurricane — 50% chance, 15% strength, targets all players.
- The Destroyer's dark orbs — 300% chance, 15% strength, 6 hits, targets all players.
- Wind Elemental's Hurricane — 50% chance, 15% strength, targets all players.
- Wind Sprite's Whirlwind — 50% chance, 25% strength.