Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki

The Skull Ghost is a foe that was introduced in the first Epic Battle Fantasy. It appears mostly around desolate wasteland areas, such as Volcano Peak (in Epic Battle Fantasy 3) or the final graveyard-themed stages of the first game.


It is an undead enemy resembling a cross between a skeleton and a ghost, sporting a skull-like head with numerous spikes, a tattered red cape, and black-feathered wings. Both its wings and skeletal hands appear to float beside its main body, presumably through magic.


Epic Battle Fantasy

In EBF, the Skull Ghost is the last regular enemy the player encounters before meeting Goku, the final boss of the game. As the game's most powerful foe, the Skull Ghost makes for a very dangerous adversary largely due to its magical prowess. Aside from using hard-hitting physical attacks, it can use magic attacks that can Dispel or Poison the party members. Depending on how the battle plays out, this may lead to the player often having to rely on Antidotes or Purify to ward off the Poison inflicted by Skull Ghosts. However, Skull Ghosts have a natural weakness to Holy attacks, and so can be taken down fairly easily if the player makes use of Seiken and Judgement - the former being particularly effective if Matt is equipped with Heaven's Gate.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

In EBF3, the Skull Ghost is a late-game enemy capable of posing a high threat due to having a variety of elemental attacks with powerful status effects, while not resisting any statuses itself. It is also completely immune to physical damage, rendering Matt nearly incapable of doing any damage (though he can still try inflicting Doom or Instant Death, which are not resisted by the foe), leaving Natalie and Lance to do most of the job. However, perhaps to balance it out, Skull Ghost have mediocre HP. While weak to Fire, they might be accompanied by Fire-resistant creatures, so one should take that in count before using Firestorm or Bullet Hell.

Despite what the description would imply, Skull Ghost uses a mix of physical and magical attacks, rather than only magical. Inflicting Syphon or Berserk may be an effective tactic against it, as it block all of its usual attacks, forcing it to resort to a much weaker claw slash, however, while weak, it may inflict Doom status, so one should still take care afterwards.

Bullet Heaven

Skull Ghosts appear as an enemy in Bullet Heaven; they're seen in the last five levels, which take place in a volcanic wasteland. During gameplay, Skull Ghosts slowly float down the screen and constantly shoot streams of fireballs at the player, and they also release a ring of fireballs every few seconds that spreads out.


Epic Battle Fantasy

Skull Ghost EBF
Wave Stat HP Stat Attack Stat Defence Stat Magic Stat Mdef
21 40000
1 1 1 1
22 33000
0.8 1 1 1
EBF3 Skill Eruption EBF3 Skill Fireball EBF3 Skill Thunderbolt EBF3 Skill Iceshard EBF3 Skill Quake EBF3 Skill Seiken EBF3 Skill Judgement EBF3 Skill Screamer EBF3 Skill Airstrike
-50% -50% - - - -80% -100% 70% -

In EBF, foe stats are specifically set per wave, thus two foes of the same type may have different stats (resistances will still be the same). See EBF Foe Waves for a list of all foe waves.

Stats in brackets (below/right from actual) are for its pre-EBF Collection update version.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

EBF3 Foe Icon Skull Ghost
Skull Ghost Undead Being EBF3
Stat HP Stat Attack Stat Defence Stat Magic Stat Mdef Stat Accuracy Stat Evade Exp AP Gold
200 4 4 4 4 4 4.3 33 8 40
Element Fire Element Thunder Element Ice Element Water Element Wind Element Earth Element Poison Element Dark Element Holy Element Bomb
-80% - - - - - 200% 200% -70% -
Status Poison Status Syphon Status Dispel Status Doom Status Berserk Status Stun Status Death
- - - - - - -
StatDown Attack StatDown Magic StatDown Defence StatDown Mdef StatDown Accuracy StatDown Evade
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Jaw Bone Curly Horn Solid Spike - - - -
Name Jaw Bone Curly Horn Solid Spike - - - -
Chance 100% 60% 40% - - - -

The Skull Ghost is completely immune to any source of physical damage, any physical attack that hits it will deal 0 damage instead. However, that doesn't prevent status effects nor stat debuffs from being inflicted.

On Epic difficulty, enters the battle with 3x Status Poison Poison, effectively regenerating each turn.

Attacks and Abilities

Epic Battle Fantasy

Attack List
Attack Target Power R.Power Type Status Effect RdF
Head Bash Single 1800 -- Stat Attack Stat Defence -- -- -- 10%
Slash Single 2200 -- Attack Defence -- -- -- 10%
Dispel All -- -- -- -- 100% -- Debuff (status) --
Toxic Single 800 -- Magic Attack Magic Defence 100% 2x Status Poison 10%
Grim Reaper Single 2500 -- Magic Attack Magic Defence -- -- -- 10%

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Slash Single 20 Physical ---- 50% 3x Status Doom 100% 10% 10%
Notes: Is used only while under the effect of Status Berserk EBF3 Berserk or/and Status Syphon Syphon.
Grim Reaper Single 5 Physical 100% Element Dark 100% -- Status Death 50% 10% 10%
Notes: On Epic difficulty, accuracy is increased to 110%.
Dark Flare Single 50/2 Magical 100% Element Dark 100% 50%
StatDown Defence
StatDown Mdef
130% 10% 10%
Notes: The first hit only debuffs Defence, the second hit only debuffs Magic Defence.
Poison Cloud Single 20 Magical 100% Element Poison 100% 10x Status Poison 110% 10% 10%
Hellfire Single 55 Physical 100% Element Fire 50% 1x Status Berserk EBF3 110% 10% 10%
Ice Spike Single 40 Physical 60% Element Ice 10% -- Status Death 95% 20% 10%
Deep Freeze Single 45 Magical 100% Element Ice 60% -- Status Freeze 100% 10% 10%

Battle Logic

The following describes general logic of the enemy and attack patterns, with chances of each attack to be used. Conditions are listed from highest to lowest priority unless specified otherwise.

Epic Battle Fantasy

  • Anything → Head Bash (3/18), Slash (3/18), Toxic (4/18), Grim Reaper (4/18), Dispel (4/18).

Prior to the EBF Collection update, due to improper coding the Skull Ghost couldn't use Grim Reaper, and its usage chance was taken up by Dispel instead.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

  • Berserked or/and Syphoned → Slash;
  • Otherwise → Grim Reaper (1/6), Dark Flare (1/6), Poison Cloud (1/6), Hellfire (1/6), Ice Spike (1/6), Deep Freeze (1/6).


  • Skull Ghosts share a number of similarities with Wraiths, both in design and attacks. Given that Skull Ghosts do not appear in Epic Battle Fantasy 4, it could be that Wraiths may have been intended as a replacement for them.