Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki
Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki
"Next hit taken will be a critical hit. Lasts for one turn."
―Stagger's hover-over tip, Epic Battle Fantasy 4
Status Stagger
EBF5 Status Stagger

Stagger is a negative status effect found in Epic Battle Fantasy 4 and 5. It is associated primarily with Bomb, Earth and Wind elements. Its icon is a red/pink exclamation mark. When one is Staggered, the next hit they take is guaranteed to be a critical hit (dealing 1.5x damage), which consumes the status.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4[]

  • The status cannot be stacked.
  • It also triggers of zero damage abilities oriented solely at inflicting negative status effects or debuffing, like Debilitate, which effectively waste Stagger. Abilities oriented at healing, buffing or inflicting positive status effects do not count, and neither does Mana Drain.
  • It has priority over Brave's critical hit immunity.
  • It also can affect damage from Burn and Poison. (When both are active, Burn strikes first.)
  • Since Stagger would vanish upon the first hit on the affected, subsequent hits of multi-hit skills (like Anna's Combo Shot) will not be affected by the status. It's best to use a strong single hit skill, like Matt's Cataclysm.

Stagger can be cured with Garlic (consumable item), Purify, Medipack, Cleanse (ordinary skills) and Kyun (Natalie's Limit Break). Like all status effects, it also vanishes after the battle.

Stats before the Battle Mountain update are listed in brackets.

Stagger is available to players through the following skills and equipment:

  • Airstrike's single-target "peace bomb" — up to 50% chance.
  • Airwave — up to 30% chance.
  • Big Blast — up to 30% chance, targets all foes.
  • Blast — up to 40% chance.
  • Icicles — up to 15% chance, 2 hits.
  • Log — up to 100% [70%] chance.
  • Lumber — up to 23.33% [20%] chance, 3 hits.
  • Shockwave — up to 25% chance, targets all foes.
  • Hand Bomb (throwable item) — 60% chance.
  • Thunder Elemental (summon) — 40% chance, targets all foes.

Equipment providing resistance against Stagger:

Enemy attacks that can cause Stagger:

Epic Battle Fantasy 5[]

EBF5 made several changes to the way stagger works compared to EBF4:

  • Stagger resistance is now grouped together with Confuse resistance.
  • Non-damaging skills no longer consume Stagger stacks.
  • Stagger now has a duration, and can be stacked. Each critical hit caused will consume one stack.
  • Brave's critical hit immunity now takes priority over Stagger, and also prevents stacks of Stagger from being consumed by hits.
  • Just like in EBF4, damage from status effects will also benefit from Stagger, unlike regular attacks, this also won't drain the status' duration.
  • The game introduced double and triple criticals, which deal 2x and 2.5x damage respectively. You need more than 100% crit chance to have a chance of a double critical, and more than 200% crit chance to have a chance of a triple critical (Stagger itself equals to +100% crit chance, added last after all other critical multipliers have been taken into account, this is unaffected by the number of stacks).

Additionaly, the way the game handles most multi-hit skills has been changed. The entire skill now benefits from (and consumes a single stack of) Stagger and similar effects.

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To do: Sources of Stagger and Stagger resistance