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Rare Shop

The Rare Shop interface. Notice the price glitch, described below.

The Rare Shop is a type of shop in Epic Battle Fantasy 4 and 5. It allows the player to buy a variety of powerful consumable items at a (initially) great price.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4[]

The Rare Shop is located in Whitefall Town (about 1/3 through the game), on the same screen as Whitefall's item shop. It is represented by a Lollipop on the interface. Its wares are initially sold at a low price, but the price doubles after each purchase. The shop won't be reset in New Game Plus. The Overpriced Snacks medal can be earned by raising the price of any item past 500K.

The Battle Mountain update set a cap of maximum gold the players can have at a time, 999,999,999 or 1 billion minus 1. At some point, the items' price will rise above that value, making them no longer possible to buy. The amount of times an item can be bought since the update is listed in the "Supply" column below.

Image Name Description Starting Price Supply
Item Honeycomb Honeycomb Permanently increases HP by 2%. 1000 20
Item Sushi Sushi Permanently increases MP by 2%. 1000 20
Item Ham Ham Permanently increases attack by 2%. 1000 20
Item Beef Beef Permanently increases defence by 2%. 1000 20
Item Cake Cake  Permanently increases magic attack by 2%. 1000 20
Item Donut Donut Permanently increases magic defence by 2%. 1000 20
Item Lollipop Lollipop Permanently increases accuracy by 2%. 1000 20
Item Candycane Candycane Permanently increases evade by 2%. 1000 20
Item Orange Juice Orange Juice Buffs an ally's maximum HP by 70%. Very rare. 500 21
Item Burger Burger Fully heals an ally. Very rare. 10,000 17
Item Pizza Pizza Fully heals all living party members. Very rare. 50,000 15

Calculating Rare Item prices[]

Notice: The price glitch only affects older versions of the game, and is no longer possible since the Battle Mountain update due to the money cap.

Technically, the price of a rare item will double after every purchase, and will go on indefinitely. However, due to technical reasons, the game can only store a number value up to 2,147,483,647 (2^31 - 1). Therefore, the price of an item will actually go through a few phases. For example, with stat boosting items (initial price is 1000):

  • For the first 21 purchases, the price will increase as normal, doubling every time an item is brought. After the 21st purchase, the item will have a price of 2,097,152,000.
  • After the 22nd purchase, the item price will fail to display. This is because the price value has overflowed into the negative, and therefore you will actually earn money or have a negative balance by buying the item. This will persist for 5 more purchases.
  • After the 27th purchase, the item will be priced at about 1073 million. Keep in mind that the item price is still being doubled. The money is subtracted properly, but the price will fail to display once again.
  • The 29th purchase follows the trend of the 22nd to 27th purchases.
  • From the 30th to the 46th purchase, the item can be bought for free. After that, your balance will reset to zero after each purchase.

Therefore, it was theoretically possible to purchase an infinite amount of stat boosts.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5[]

The Rare Shop has been renamed Steroid Shop, with one in Hope Harbor and another in Greenwood Village. Redpine Town appears to have had one of sort (and according to Lance, it was converted from the orphanage he was formerly brought up in), but it has been abandoned and partially repurposed into a shelter for the some of the remaining citizens. These shops are denoted by a wooden sign bearing the image of a Donut; amusingly, the sign of the former Redpine Town Rare Shop has an actual Donut that can be collected or replaced as the player desires. Like some of the other shop-keeper NPCs, you can now interact with them in a non-business situation.

Unlike EBF4, the Steroid Shop only sells stat-boosting items.

Image Name Description Starting Price
EBF5 Item Crispy Bacon
Crispy Bacon Permanently increases the Attack and Defence of Matt by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Raw Beef
Raw Beef Permanently increases the Magic Attack and Magic Defence of Matt by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Chicken Leg
Chicken Leg Permanently increases the Evade and Accuracy of Matt by 1%. 1000
EBF5 Item Fried Egg
Fried Egg Permanently increases the HP of Matt by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Poptart
Poptart Permanently increases the Attack and Defence of Natalie by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Donut
Donut Permanently increases the Magic Attack and Magic Defence of Natalie by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Cake
Cake Permanently increases the Evade and Accuracy of Natalie by 1%. 1000
EBF5 Item Lollipop
Lollipop Permanently increases the HP of Natalie by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Bread
Bread Permanently increases the Attack and Defence of Lance by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Potato
Potato Permanently increases the Magic Attack and Magic Defence of Lance by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Red Pill
Red Pill Permanently increases the Evade and Accuracy of Lance by 1%. 1000
EBF5 Item Mushroom
Mushroom Permanently increases the HP of Lance by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Turnip
Turnip Permanently increases the Attack and Defence of Anna by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Grapes
Grapes Permanently increases the Magic Attack and Magic Defence of Anna by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Mint Leaf
Mint Leaf Permanently increases the Evade and Accuracy of Anna by 1%. 1000
EBF5 Item Hard Nut
Hard Nut Permanently increases the HP of Anna by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Sushi
Sushi Permanently increases the Attack and Defence of NoLegs by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Riceball
Riceball Permanently increases the Magic Attack and Magic Defence of NoLegs by 2%. 1000
EBF5 Item Yoghurt
Yoghurt Permanently increases the Evade and Accuracy of NoLegs by 1%. 1000
EBF5 Item Chocolate Milk
Chocolate Milk Permanently increases the HP of NoLegs by 2%. 1000

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