Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki

Unload is one of Lance more powerful skills in EBF 3. It allows you to attack six times in a row with the element of the gun that is currently equipped. It is very powerful, and gets even more powerful if you have the right equipped, for example:

-God Hand: good against enemies weak to bomb attacks.

-Thunder Core: good against enemies weak to thunder attacks.


Unload is the move for Lance.

It also has a high chance of scoring critical hits, giving a chance for scoring even more damage. But it has one downside: the use of unload debuffs Lance attack power after the attack has been made for a period, and this cannot be undone by using Purify, Medipack or the item Garlic. It is a good idea to buff Lance before hand with beer or Matt's "Temper" special, both of which buff attack.

However, since this debuffs only his physical attacks, such as his standard attack, his snipe, double shot and other Unloads, he can go on casting his spells (in the form of the elemental attacks) until the debuff wears off. Alternatively, drink beer.


  • This skill is most powerful with a Debillate and Beer combo with Lance using the Genji Armor, Genji Helmet and Chainsaw equips.
  • This skill returns in EBF4 as a unique skill for Lance.